File Upload

Upload data files from your data source systems to Visier.


There are multiple ways to load data into Visier, including Visier's data connectors, the Direct Data Intake API, and file upload. The method you choose will be dependent on your specific needs and overall ecosystem.

If your data is stored on a secure file server that only authorized users can access and decrypt or if you prefer to download data from your database, prepare it, and then upload it into Visier, the file upload method is recommended.

Depending on your requirements, Visier offers different options for uploading data files:

  • Visier Solution: This option is particularly useful for initial data onboarding, testing, and conducting ad hoc data uploads. For more information, see File Upload Using the Solution.
  • Data Upload API: This API allows you to programmatically send data files to Visier. It's a convenient alternative to SFTP. For more information, see Data Upload API.
  • Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP): Allows you to automate the file upload process by scheduling a data load frequency. This is a great option to use after onboarding your initial dataset into Visier. For more information, see File Upload Using SFTP.

To learn more about the different ways to bring your data into Visier, see Data In.


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